1. Complete successfully, as in Our team has sewn up the championship. [Colloquial; c. 1900] 2. Gain complete control of, monopolize, as in Our restaurant hopes to sew up the town's takeout business. [Colloquial; first half of 1900s]
American Heritage Idioms
Phrase(s): sew someone or something up
1. Lit. to stitch together an opening in someone or something. • The surgeon sewed the patient up and pronounced the operation a success. • This is torn. Can you sew up this rip? 2. Fig. to complete one’s dealings with or discussion of someone or something. • It’s time to sew this up and go home. • I think we can sew up the shipping contract this afternoon and get on to someone else. • Let’s sew up this last matter and go.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs